Gestalt Talk Therapy
Gestalt talk therapy, which is based on the gestalt (whole) of client's present experience. Often times role playing is used in the present to revisit and heal past events. This talk therapy also focuses on Non-Judgmental self awareness and on the client-therapist relationship. Isn't of talking About being a sad child for example, you are encouraged to BE that sad child.
Alexander Technique
Alexander technique, an educational way to move through and past harmful tensions in the body during day to day activities and reconnect ourselves to sensory amnesia we may have created through stressful and dysfusntional holding patterns.
Feldenkrais Method
Feldenkrais method, a system designed to promote bodily and mental well-being by conscious analysis of neuromuscular activity via movements that improve flexibility and coordination and increase ease and range of motion.
Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk
Bessel van der Kolk is a psychiatrist, author, researcher and educator in the area of post-traumatic stress. In the past 3 decades, we have learned an enormous amount about neuropathways and interpersonal attachment systems. Dr. van der Kolk's work is focused on integrating therapy with science, and the mind body connection.
The Polyvagal System
Dr. Stephen Porges’ research of the 3 major branches of the nervous system and how to work with each of them to return our bodies to homeostasis. Dr. Porges studies of the nervous system also teaches us how trauma responses are living in the body and with that understanding how to disrupt and reconcile trauma responses such as shut down, fight or flight and people please.